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Published: 05/13/2021 Rating:
Category: General Viewed: 689 Downloads: 0
ID : 11322
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Activists of All India United Democratic Front (AIUDF) staging a silent dharna by covering their mouth with black cloth in demand for the punishment to the persons who molested Moushumi sarma alias Rani on 9th July and to maintain law and order in the state ,near Rajbhawn in Guwahti on Wednesday 18th July 2012. Photo by Dasarath Deka/Indian Photo Agency

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Activists of All India United Democratic Front (AIUDF) staging a silent dharna by covering their mouth with black cloth in demand for the punishment to the persons who molested Moushumi sarma alias Rani on 9th July and to maintain law and order in the state ,near Rajbhawn in Guwahti on Wednesday 18th July 2012. Photo by Dasarath Deka/Indian Photo Agency

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