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Published: 05/13/2021 Rating:
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ID : 11914
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Mangalore Home Stay Attack: Hindu Janajagrana Vedike activists during a protest in front DC's office following the arrest of HJV activists in Mangalore on July 29, 2012. Later they were arrested by Police. Police commissioner Seemanth Kumar Singh said As many as 40 people were arrested, among whom were Satyajit Suratkal. Photo by RK Bhat/Indian Photo Agency

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Mangalore Home Stay Attack: Hindu Janajagrana Vedike activists during a protest in front DC's office following the arrest of HJV activists in Mangalore on July 29, 2012. Later they were arrested by Police. Police commissioner Seemanth Kumar Singh said As many as 40 people were arrested, among whom were Satyajit Suratkal. Photo by RK Bhat/Indian Photo Agency

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