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Published: 05/13/2021 Rating:
Category: General Viewed: 675 Downloads: 0
ID : 12205
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A volunteer of Team Anna (Centre) Saleem Alvi, a native of Bulandshahr in Uttar Pradesh detained by delhi police after attempting self-immolation at the fast site of Anna Hazare and yoga guru Ramdev alleging that he was mistreated by prominent members of India Against Corruption in New Delhi June 3, 2012. Hazare and Yog guru Baba Ramdev are holding a daylong fast to press the government to act against widespread graft and bring back hundreds of billions of dollars stashed overseas. Photo by Shweta/Indian Photo Agency

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A volunteer of Team Anna (Centre) Saleem Alvi, a native of Bulandshahr in Uttar Pradesh detained by delhi police after attempting self-immolation at the fast site of Anna Hazare and yoga guru Ramdev alleging that he was mistreated by prominent members of India Against Corruption in New Delhi June 3, 2012. Hazare and Yog guru Baba Ramdev are holding a daylong fast to press the government to act against widespread graft and bring back hundreds of billions of dollars stashed overseas. Photo by Shweta/Indian Photo Agency

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