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Published: 05/14/2021 Rating:
Category: General Viewed: 715 Downloads: 0
ID : 13639
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Activist of Jatiya Yuva Chatra Parisad (AJYCP) burning the effigy of prime minister of India Dr Manmohan singh in demand to declared Assam flood and Erosion as National problem in Guwahati on Thursday 28th June 2012. Photo by Dasarath Deka/Indian Photo Agency

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Activist of Jatiya Yuva Chatra Parisad (AJYCP) burning the effigy of prime minister of India Dr Manmohan singh in demand to declared Assam flood and Erosion as National problem in Guwahati on Thursday 28th June 2012. Photo by Dasarath Deka/Indian Photo Agency

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