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Published: 05/15/2021 Rating:
Category: General Viewed: 705 Downloads: 0
ID : 15238
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Sukma Collector Alex Menon after released by Maoist (Naxal) at his residence in Sukma, Chhattisgarh, India on Friday, 04 May 2012. Menon was abducted while touring Manjipara village near Kerlapal on April 21.Chhattisgarh's Sukma district collector Alex Paul Menon reached home on Friday morning after having been held captive for 13 days by the Maoists. He remained at the CRPF paramilitary base in the Chintalnar area before reaching home where his pregnant wife Asha and other family members gave him a rousing reception. Photo by Jayant Kumar Krangari/Indian Photo Agency

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Sukma Collector Alex Menon after released by Maoist (Naxal) at his residence in Sukma, Chhattisgarh, India on Friday, 04 May 2012. Menon was abducted while touring Manjipara village near Kerlapal on April 21.Chhattisgarh's Sukma district collector Alex Paul Menon reached home on Friday morning after having been held captive for 13 days by the Maoists. He remained at the CRPF paramilitary base in the Chintalnar area before reaching home where his pregnant wife Asha and other family members gave him a rousing reception. Photo by Jayant Kumar Krangari/Indian Photo Agency

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