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Published: 05/15/2021 Rating:
Category: General Viewed: 751 Downloads: 0
ID : 15335
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At least Eight people have been killed in an a Ghastly Road accident occurred at Jokatte near mangalore on Sunday, 06/05/2012. The accident occurred at around 2 pm when the driver of a tempo lost control and the vehicle rolled over the side of the road and fell into a gorge. It is said that the driver was speeding, and before falling into the 10-ft gorge, the tempo rolled over three times. Sources said that they were all laborersí who were on their way to MSEZ site. labourers in all, hailing from north India, mainly from UP, Punjab and Bihar. The vehicle is Tempo Trax Kargo King, which is meant for transporting goods, was being allegedly used by the MSEZ to carry laborersí to the site. 6 Other laborersí have been injured and admitted to AJ hospital. Of them, two are said to be critical. Photo by RK Bhat/Indian Photo Agency

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At least Eight people have been killed in an a Ghastly Road accident occurred at Jokatte near mangalore on Sunday, 06/05/2012. The accident occurred at around 2 pm when the driver of a tempo lost control and the vehicle rolled over the side of the road and fell into a gorge. It is said that the driver was speeding, and before falling into the 10-ft gorge, the tempo rolled over three times. Sources said that they were all laborersí who were on their way to MSEZ site. labourers in all, hailing from north India, mainly from UP, Punjab and Bihar. The vehicle is Tempo Trax Kargo King, which is meant for transporting goods, was being allegedly used by the MSEZ to carry laborersí to the site. 6 Other laborersí have been injured and admitted to AJ hospital. Of them, two are said to be critical. Photo by RK Bhat/Indian Photo Agency

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