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Published: 05/17/2021 Rating:
Category: General Viewed: 600 Downloads: 0
ID : 16026
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Italian deputy foreign minister Steffan de Mistura emerging (RIGHT) meets Soosa Pakiam(LEFT), Arch Bishop at Trivandrum Latin Archdiocese, for discussing about the Italian members of the navy security team of Enrica Lexie, on Friday 18 May 2012. Giampaolo Cutillo, Consul General of Italy in Mumbai (BACK) is also in the picture. Photo by AS Satheesh/Indian Photo Agency

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Italian deputy foreign minister Steffan de Mistura emerging (RIGHT) meets Soosa Pakiam(LEFT), Arch Bishop at Trivandrum Latin Archdiocese, for discussing about the Italian members of the navy security team of Enrica Lexie, on Friday 18 May 2012. Giampaolo Cutillo, Consul General of Italy in Mumbai (BACK) is also in the picture. Photo by AS Satheesh/Indian Photo Agency

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