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Published: 05/17/2021 Rating:
Category: General Viewed: 654 Downloads: 0
ID : 16081
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Death body of the "Keru village 'sarpanch' Suresh Chaudhary in Keru village, about 20 kms from Jodhpur city in Rajasthan on May 18, 2012. After his death, supporters of the Sarpanch protested and burt five houses belonging to the accused. A few heavy vehicles including trucks and earthmoving machine were also set ablaze by the mob. Photo by Sunil Verma/Indian Photo Agency

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Death body of the "Keru village 'sarpanch' Suresh Chaudhary in Keru village, about 20 kms from Jodhpur city in Rajasthan on May 18, 2012. After his death, supporters of the Sarpanch protested and burt five houses belonging to the accused. A few heavy vehicles including trucks and earthmoving machine were also set ablaze by the mob. Photo by Sunil Verma/Indian Photo Agency

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