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Published: 05/17/2021 Rating:
Category: General Viewed: 665 Downloads: 0
ID : 16450
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Rajesh Talwar, father of Arushi, at court in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India on May 24, 2012. A special Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) court in Ghaziabad on Thursday charged dentist couple Rajesh Talwar and Nupur Talwar with the murders of their daughter Aarushi and domestic help Hemraj. Photo Credit: Indian Photo Agency

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Rajesh Talwar, father of Arushi, at court in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, India on May 24, 2012. A special Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) court in Ghaziabad on Thursday charged dentist couple Rajesh Talwar and Nupur Talwar with the murders of their daughter Aarushi and domestic help Hemraj. Photo Credit: Indian Photo Agency

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