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Published: 05/17/2021 Rating:
Category: General Viewed: 648 Downloads: 0
ID : 16931
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A Hindu devotee offers prayers to the setting sun on the occasion of Chhat Puja festival near India Gate in New Delhi on 01/11/2011. Hindus pay obeisance to both the rising and the setting sun during the festival, which is celebrated on the sixth and seventh day after "Diwali" or "Festival of Lights." Photo Credit: Indian Photo Agency

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A Hindu devotee offers prayers to the setting sun on the occasion of Chhat Puja festival near India Gate in New Delhi on 01/11/2011. Hindus pay obeisance to both the rising and the setting sun during the festival, which is celebrated on the sixth and seventh day after "Diwali" or "Festival of Lights." Photo Credit: Indian Photo Agency

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