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Published: 05/17/2021 Rating:
Category: General Viewed: 643 Downloads: 0
ID : 17025
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Hindu devotees perform religious rituals as they offer prayers to the Sun God in the River Nermad during Chhath festival in the Morning Jabalpur Madhya pradesh, India, Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2011. During Chhath, an ancient Hindu festival, rituals are performed to thank the Sun God for sustaining life on earth. Photo by Deepak Mishra/Indian Photo Agency

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Hindu devotees perform religious rituals as they offer prayers to the Sun God in the River Nermad during Chhath festival in the Morning Jabalpur Madhya pradesh, India, Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2011. During Chhath, an ancient Hindu festival, rituals are performed to thank the Sun God for sustaining life on earth. Photo by Deepak Mishra/Indian Photo Agency

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