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Published: 05/17/2021 Rating:
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ID : 17297
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Unidentified relatives of accused wait for verdict outside the district court in Mehsana, about 60 kilometers north of Ahmedabad, November. 9, 2011. The court convicted 31 Hindus for killing dozens of Muslims by setting a building on fire in Gujurat state during one of India's worst rounds of communal violence in 2002. Photo Credit: Indian Photo Agency

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Unidentified relatives of accused wait for verdict outside the district court in Mehsana, about 60 kilometers north of Ahmedabad, November. 9, 2011. The court convicted 31 Hindus for killing dozens of Muslims by setting a building on fire in Gujurat state during one of India's worst rounds of communal violence in 2002. Photo Credit: Indian Photo Agency

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