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Published: 05/18/2021 Rating:
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ID : 17890
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Vice Chief of Air Staff, Air Marshal KK Nohwar releasing the souvenir of 52nd edition of the Subroto Cup Football Tournament and presenting the first copy to Baichung Bhutia, the former captain of Indian Football team, during the Closing Ceremony of Subroto Cup Football Tournament ñ 2011, in New Delhi on November 25, 2011. Photo Credit: Indian Photo Agency

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Vice Chief of Air Staff, Air Marshal KK Nohwar releasing the souvenir of 52nd edition of the Subroto Cup Football Tournament and presenting the first copy to Baichung Bhutia, the former captain of Indian Football team, during the Closing Ceremony of Subroto Cup Football Tournament ñ 2011, in New Delhi on November 25, 2011. Photo Credit: Indian Photo Agency

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