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Published: 12/29/2021 Rating:
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Polit Bureau Member of CPI(M) Central Committee Brinda Karat with other delegates of Kerala, Tamilnadu & West Bengal during two days Central Committee Meeting of Adivasi Adhikar Rashtriya Manch in Agartala, Tripura, India, on Saturday 10th August,2013. Photo by Abhishek Debbarma/Indian Photo Agency (InPA)

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Polit Bureau Member of CPI(M) Central Committee Brinda Karat with other delegates of Kerala, Tamilnadu & West Bengal during two days Central Committee Meeting of Adivasi Adhikar Rashtriya Manch in Agartala, Tripura, India, on Saturday 10th August,2013. Photo by Abhishek Debbarma/Indian Photo Agency (InPA)

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