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Published: 02/01/2022 Rating:
Category: General Viewed: 704 Downloads: 0
ID : 27965
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Gujarat Chief Minister, Narendra Modi with BJP President, Nitin Gadkari during his felicitation programme for completing a hat-trick of wins in Gujarat in New Delhi, India on December 27, 2012. Anurag Thakur, Balbir Punj, Delhi BJP president Vijender Gupta are also in the picture. Photo Credit: Indian Photo Agency

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Gujarat Chief Minister, Narendra Modi with BJP President, Nitin Gadkari during his felicitation programme for completing a hat-trick of wins in Gujarat in New Delhi, India on December 27, 2012. Anurag Thakur, Balbir Punj, Delhi BJP president Vijender Gupta are also in the picture. Photo Credit: Indian Photo Agency

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