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Published: 05/09/2021 Rating:
Category: General Viewed: 650 Downloads: 0
ID : 3837
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Women prepare Gamosa on her loom ahead of Rongali Bihu Festival at a village in Sivasagar district of Assam on Wednesday, 04 April 2012. Rongali Bihu is celebrated in the first month of the Assamese calendar and thus marks the advent of the Assamese New Year. This festival also coincides with the advent of the spring season in the state. Bihu Dance and Bihu Songs are the main features of this Bihu, which continue for a month throughout the state. Photo by Luit Chaliha/Indian Photo Agency

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Women prepare Gamosa on her loom ahead of Rongali Bihu Festival at a village in Sivasagar district of Assam on Wednesday, 04 April 2012. Rongali Bihu is celebrated in the first month of the Assamese calendar and thus marks the advent of the Assamese New Year. This festival also coincides with the advent of the spring season in the state. Bihu Dance and Bihu Songs are the main features of this Bihu, which continue for a month throughout the state. Photo by Luit Chaliha/Indian Photo Agency

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