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Militant attack


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Published: 05/10/2021 Rating:
Category: General Viewed: 625 Downloads: 0
ID : 5468
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Suspected militants shot dead a retired Deputy Superintendent (DySP) of Jammu and Kashmir Police outside a mosque in Batamaloo area of Srinagar on Aug 10, 2012. Reports said that Ex DYSP, Abdul Hamid Bhat was coming out from Mosque when suspected militants shot him in the head in the Tengpora Batamaloo locality. Photo by Tariq Mir/Indian Photo Agency

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Suspected militants shot dead a retired Deputy Superintendent (DySP) of Jammu and Kashmir Police outside a mosque in Batamaloo area of Srinagar on Aug 10, 2012. Reports said that Ex DYSP, Abdul Hamid Bhat was coming out from Mosque when suspected militants shot him in the head in the Tengpora Batamaloo locality. Photo by Tariq Mir/Indian Photo Agency

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