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Published: 05/11/2021 Rating:
Category: General Viewed: 614 Downloads: 0
ID : 6227
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Elephants are brought in to an Elephant health camp by the doctors of Central Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, Kaziranga (Assam) organized by Elephant owners' Association of Sivasagar District in Assam with the support of Tuli Contractors Association at Tuli in Mokokchung, Nagaland, India on Wednesday, 22 Aug, 2012. Photo by Luit Chaliha/Indian Photo Agency

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Elephants are brought in to an Elephant health camp by the doctors of Central Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, Kaziranga (Assam) organized by Elephant owners' Association of Sivasagar District in Assam with the support of Tuli Contractors Association at Tuli in Mokokchung, Nagaland, India on Wednesday, 22 Aug, 2012. Photo by Luit Chaliha/Indian Photo Agency

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