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Published: 05/12/2021 Rating:
Category: General Viewed: 584 Downloads: 0
ID : 8575
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Italian merchant vessel Enrica Lexie is anchored off to harbour for investigation by Indian Law enforcement agencies (Indian Coast Guard and Kerala State Police) and Indian Navy in the southern Indian city of Kochi February 16, 2012. Also seen is Coast Guard Ship Samar. Two fishermen were killed when a navy security team on an Italian merchant vessel opened fire on a boat it mistook for pirates at sea off the coast of Kerala in southern India. Photo by AS Satheesh/Indian Photo Agency

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Italian merchant vessel Enrica Lexie is anchored off to harbour for investigation by Indian Law enforcement agencies (Indian Coast Guard and Kerala State Police) and Indian Navy in the southern Indian city of Kochi February 16, 2012. Also seen is Coast Guard Ship Samar. Two fishermen were killed when a navy security team on an Italian merchant vessel opened fire on a boat it mistook for pirates at sea off the coast of Kerala in southern India. Photo by AS Satheesh/Indian Photo Agency

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