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Published: 05/12/2021 Rating:
Category: General Viewed: 519 Downloads: 0
ID : 8619
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Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh gestures to the public as Sriprakash Jaiswal looks during an election rally in Kanpur, India, Friday, Feb. 17, 2012. Elections in Uttar Pradesh, India's most populous and politically crucial state, are being currently held in seven phases. India's ruling Congress party symbol is seen in the background. Photo Credit: Indian Photo Agency

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Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh gestures to the public as Sriprakash Jaiswal looks during an election rally in Kanpur, India, Friday, Feb. 17, 2012. Elections in Uttar Pradesh, India's most populous and politically crucial state, are being currently held in seven phases. India's ruling Congress party symbol is seen in the background. Photo Credit: Indian Photo Agency

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