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Published: 05/13/2021 Rating:
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ID : 10729
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Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama shakes hands with Foreign lady at the Gaggal Airport in Dharamsala on Tuesday, 31/01/2012. He arrived back from Delhi after the successful surgery of his left eye. He had a cataract removed from his left eye in a surgery on 22nd of January at AIIMS and after that he was on rest at the Tibetan Youth Hostel in Delhi. Photo by Shailesh Bhatanagar/Indian Photo Agency

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Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama shakes hands with Foreign lady at the Gaggal Airport in Dharamsala on Tuesday, 31/01/2012. He arrived back from Delhi after the successful surgery of his left eye. He had a cataract removed from his left eye in a surgery on 22nd of January at AIIMS and after that he was on rest at the Tibetan Youth Hostel in Delhi. Photo by Shailesh Bhatanagar/Indian Photo Agency

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