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Published: 05/13/2021 Rating:
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ID : 11463
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Team Anna member Arvind Kejriwal speaks at a rally to drum up support for Team Anna's indefinite fast in the national capital from Wednesday July 25 in New Delhi on July 22, 2012. He said that they are ready for a "fight to finish" and will not be satisfied with mere assurances. Team Anna claimed they have "proof" of corruption against Pranab Mukherjee and it would be made public on July 25 when they launch an indefinite fast coinciding with his swearing-in as the President. Photo Credit: Indian Photo Agency

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Team Anna member Arvind Kejriwal speaks at a rally to drum up support for Team Anna's indefinite fast in the national capital from Wednesday July 25 in New Delhi on July 22, 2012. He said that they are ready for a "fight to finish" and will not be satisfied with mere assurances. Team Anna claimed they have "proof" of corruption against Pranab Mukherjee and it would be made public on July 25 when they launch an indefinite fast coinciding with his swearing-in as the President. Photo Credit: Indian Photo Agency

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