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Published: 05/13/2021 Rating:
Category: General Viewed: 658 Downloads: 0
ID : 11912
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Karnataka State Additional Deputy General of Police (ADGP, law and order) Bipin Gopalkrishna arrived to Investigate Probe "Attack on Girls at Resort" Mangalore on July 29, 2012. Later He visited the home-stay (mansoon Misty) at Padil, on the outskirts of the Mangalore, where the incident took place. Inspector General of Police (Western Range) Prathap Reddy and Mangalore City Police Commissioner Seemanth Kumar Singh were also present. Photo by RK Bhat/Indian Photo Agency

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Karnataka State Additional Deputy General of Police (ADGP, law and order) Bipin Gopalkrishna arrived to Investigate Probe "Attack on Girls at Resort" Mangalore on July 29, 2012. Later He visited the home-stay (mansoon Misty) at Padil, on the outskirts of the Mangalore, where the incident took place. Inspector General of Police (Western Range) Prathap Reddy and Mangalore City Police Commissioner Seemanth Kumar Singh were also present. Photo by RK Bhat/Indian Photo Agency

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