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Published: 05/17/2021 Rating:
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ID : 17438
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Actor Anil Kapoor, Christy Clark, the premier of British Columbia and Chhagan Bhujbal, Minister for PWD and Tourism, Govt of Maharashtra during an event of International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) to celebrate the 14th IIFA Weekend and Awards in the city of Vancouver, in 2013 in Mumbai on 13/11/2011. Photo by Sachin Halde/Indian Photo Agency

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Actor Anil Kapoor, Christy Clark, the premier of British Columbia and Chhagan Bhujbal, Minister for PWD and Tourism, Govt of Maharashtra during an event of International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) to celebrate the 14th IIFA Weekend and Awards in the city of Vancouver, in 2013 in Mumbai on 13/11/2011. Photo by Sachin Halde/Indian Photo Agency

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