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Published: 05/19/2021 Rating:
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ID : 19537
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Indian Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh arrives at the "International Academic Conference on Economic Growth and Changes of Corporate Environment in Asia", in New Delhi on September 22, 2012. Union Minister for Law and Justice and Minority Affairs, Salman Khurshid, the Chief Justice of India, Justice SH Kapadia and the Chief Justice of India Designate, Justice Altamas Kabir are also seen. Photo Credit: Indian Photo Agency

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Indian Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh arrives at the "International Academic Conference on Economic Growth and Changes of Corporate Environment in Asia", in New Delhi on September 22, 2012. Union Minister for Law and Justice and Minority Affairs, Salman Khurshid, the Chief Justice of India, Justice SH Kapadia and the Chief Justice of India Designate, Justice Altamas Kabir are also seen. Photo Credit: Indian Photo Agency

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