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Published: 05/19/2021 Rating:
Category: General Viewed: 727 Downloads: 0
ID : 19676
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Footwear designer Swati Modo with Miss India Earth 2011 Hasleen Kaur during an exhibition, ëThank God For Designí (TGFD) featuring 40 independent Indian labels from various parts of India will showcase the best of their design, fashion, accessories, art and lifestyle in New Delhi on Sept. 23, 2012. Photo Cedit: Indian Photo Agency

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Footwear designer Swati Modo with Miss India Earth 2011 Hasleen Kaur during an exhibition, ëThank God For Designí (TGFD) featuring 40 independent Indian labels from various parts of India will showcase the best of their design, fashion, accessories, art and lifestyle in New Delhi on Sept. 23, 2012. Photo Cedit: Indian Photo Agency

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