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Published: 04/17/2021 Rating:
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ID : 2507
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India's anti-corruption activist Anna Hazare and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar joins Core Committee Meeting during his hunger strike in New Delhi, India, Thursday, Aug. 25, 2011. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh seized control of a national anti-corruption debate Thursday, calling on Parliament to discuss protesters' reform proposals and appealing to the weakening 74-year-old activist to end his hunger strike. Photo Credit: Indian Photo Agency

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India's anti-corruption activist Anna Hazare and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar joins Core Committee Meeting during his hunger strike in New Delhi, India, Thursday, Aug. 25, 2011. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh seized control of a national anti-corruption debate Thursday, calling on Parliament to discuss protesters' reform proposals and appealing to the weakening 74-year-old activist to end his hunger strike. Photo Credit: Indian Photo Agency

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