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Indian pictures photo
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Published: 04/17/2021 Rating:
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ID : 3098
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Divers from NDRF searching for three children drowned in the river Brahmaputra at Jahaj ghat in Guwahati on Wednesday, July 06, 2011, Kusumi Devi (22), Sonam Upadhya (18) and Garv Upadhya (3) they came to attend a marriage ceremony at a near by temple, they came to river side and due to erosion they felled in the river. Photo by Ujjal Deb/Indian Photo Agency

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Divers from NDRF searching for three children drowned in the river Brahmaputra at Jahaj ghat in Guwahati on Wednesday, July 06, 2011, Kusumi Devi (22), Sonam Upadhya (18) and Garv Upadhya (3) they came to attend a marriage ceremony at a near by temple, they came to river side and due to erosion they felled in the river. Photo by Ujjal Deb/Indian Photo Agency

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