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Published: 09/06/2022 Rating:
Category: General Viewed: 1157 Downloads: 0
ID : 33724
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Murud-Janjira, situated on an oval-shaped rock off the Arabian Sea coast near the port town of Murud in Raigad district, 165 km south of Mumbai in the Indian state of Maharashtra, India on June 03, 2013. Evergreen pond of sweat water lacated in Janjira fort while outside water is salty. Photo by Amey Nazare/Indian Photo Agency (InPA)

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Murud-Janjira, situated on an oval-shaped rock off the Arabian Sea coast near the port town of Murud in Raigad district, 165 km south of Mumbai in the Indian state of Maharashtra, India on June 03, 2013. Evergreen pond of sweat water lacated in Janjira fort while outside water is salty. Photo by Amey Nazare/Indian Photo Agency (InPA)

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