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Published: 05/10/2021 Rating:
Category: General Viewed: 755 Downloads: 0
ID : 5465
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Children brave the flood water to catch timber on Bhogdoi river at Mariani in Jorhat district of Assam on Friday, August 10, 2012. Fishing for wood becomes an important occupation for the people of this area every monsoon as the river washes away pieces of wood and even large trees from the shores. This wood is then dried and used for various purposes. Photo by Luit Chaliha/Indian Photo Agency

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Children brave the flood water to catch timber on Bhogdoi river at Mariani in Jorhat district of Assam on Friday, August 10, 2012. Fishing for wood becomes an important occupation for the people of this area every monsoon as the river washes away pieces of wood and even large trees from the shores. This wood is then dried and used for various purposes. Photo by Luit Chaliha/Indian Photo Agency

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