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Published: 05/10/2021 Rating:
Category: General Viewed: 707 Downloads: 0
ID : 5568
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Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan with Maharashtra home minister RR Patil talks to Sakal Times photojournalist Prashant Sawant who was covering the protests was seriously injured in the violence by muslim protesters at azad maidan in Mumbai on Sunday, 12 August 2012. The demonstrators were protesting against religious violence in Assam and Myanmar. A number of police and media vehicles were set on fire by the angry mob. The police had to open fire in the air and lathi-charge the mob to bring the situation under control. Photo by Swapnil Shinde/Indian Photo Agency

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Maharashtra Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan with Maharashtra home minister RR Patil talks to Sakal Times photojournalist Prashant Sawant who was covering the protests was seriously injured in the violence by muslim protesters at azad maidan in Mumbai on Sunday, 12 August 2012. The demonstrators were protesting against religious violence in Assam and Myanmar. A number of police and media vehicles were set on fire by the angry mob. The police had to open fire in the air and lathi-charge the mob to bring the situation under control. Photo by Swapnil Shinde/Indian Photo Agency

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