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Published: 05/12/2021 Rating:
Category: General Viewed: 603 Downloads: 0
ID : 8966
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Arjun Vajpai, youngest Indian to climb Mount Everest, Anuradha Vaidyanathan (Anu Vaidyanathan), India's first Ironman athlete, Arun Bhardwaj, India's running machine, and Reena Kaushal, the first Indian woman to ski to the South Pole flagbearers of daredevilry as Delhi Daredevils Superfans during an event of GMR Sports signs up in New Delhi on February 27, 2012. Photo Credit: Indian Photo Agency

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Arjun Vajpai, youngest Indian to climb Mount Everest, Anuradha Vaidyanathan (Anu Vaidyanathan), India's first Ironman athlete, Arun Bhardwaj, India's running machine, and Reena Kaushal, the first Indian woman to ski to the South Pole flagbearers of daredevilry as Delhi Daredevils Superfans during an event of GMR Sports signs up in New Delhi on February 27, 2012. Photo Credit: Indian Photo Agency

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