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Published: 05/12/2021 Rating:
Category: General Viewed: 725 Downloads: 0
ID : 9595
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Save the Birds: A pigeon that got entangled in a manja (thread) laced with finely ground glass powder) from a kite during organised by Shri Jain Alert Group Bhayandar(W), in Mumbai on 15/01/2012. On Occasion of Makar sankranti people are enjoying with Kite but the Manjas of kite kills the bird. Glass-powder-coated thread (maanjha) using for flying kites CUT the feathers of birds. Photo by Sachin Halde/Indian Photo Agency

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Save the Birds: A pigeon that got entangled in a manja (thread) laced with finely ground glass powder) from a kite during organised by Shri Jain Alert Group Bhayandar(W), in Mumbai on 15/01/2012. On Occasion of Makar sankranti people are enjoying with Kite but the Manjas of kite kills the bird. Glass-powder-coated thread (maanjha) using for flying kites CUT the feathers of birds. Photo by Sachin Halde/Indian Photo Agency

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