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Published: 05/12/2021 Rating:
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ID : 9963
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Tsering Tsomo (centre), executive Director, TCHRD ( tibetan centre for hunman rights and emocracy) taking to media during the release of 2011 Annual Report of Human Rights situation in tibet, at Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh, India, Jan. 23, 2011. Photo by Shailesh Bhatnagar/Indian Photo Agency 094180 30626

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Tsering Tsomo (centre), executive Director, TCHRD ( tibetan centre for hunman rights and emocracy) taking to media during the release of 2011 Annual Report of Human Rights situation in tibet, at Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh, India, Jan. 23, 2011. Photo by Shailesh Bhatnagar/Indian Photo Agency 094180 30626

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