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Published: 05/11/2021 Rating:
Category: General Viewed: 1134 Downloads: 0
ID : 7193
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Indians hold a candle light vigil near the Advance Medicare And Research Institute (AMRI) hospital following a deadly fire December 9 which killed 90 people, in Kolkata on December 11, 2011. Indian police December 10 were investigating the cause of a fire that killed 90 people in a hospital in Kolkata when poisonous fumes spread from the blaze in the building's basement. Photo Credit: Indian Photo Agency

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Indians hold a candle light vigil near the Advance Medicare And Research Institute (AMRI) hospital following a deadly fire December 9 which killed 90 people, in Kolkata on December 11, 2011. Indian police December 10 were investigating the cause of a fire that killed 90 people in a hospital in Kolkata when poisonous fumes spread from the blaze in the building's basement. Photo Credit: Indian Photo Agency

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