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Published: 01/09/2022 Rating:
Category: General Viewed: 543 Downloads: 0
ID : 26665
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Students and common people participated in a candle light rally to pay respect nurse Jacintha Saldanha, in a peaceful rally on the busy street in Mangalore on 12 Dec 2012. Jacintha Saldanha, died in 'unexplained circumstances' at London on December 7 after she became victim of a 'Royal Hoax' perpetrated by RJs Mel Grieg and Michael Christian of 2Day FM Radio of Australia. Photo by RK Bhat/Indian Photo Agency

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Students and common people participated in a candle light rally to pay respect nurse Jacintha Saldanha, in a peaceful rally on the busy street in Mangalore on 12 Dec 2012. Jacintha Saldanha, died in 'unexplained circumstances' at London on December 7 after she became victim of a 'Royal Hoax' perpetrated by RJs Mel Grieg and Michael Christian of 2Day FM Radio of Australia. Photo by RK Bhat/Indian Photo Agency

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