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Published: 08/20/2022 Rating:
Category: General Viewed: 727 Downloads: 0
ID : 30675
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Indian team led by 10th Brigade (Krishnaghati Brigade) Commander Brig TS Sandhu in the meeting with the Pakistan brigade commander during a flag meeting at Chakan-Da-Bagh Crossing-Point in Poonch sector in Jammu and Kashmir, India on Jan 14, 2013. Brigadier level officers from India and Pakistan joined this. Army sources said a strong protest was lodged by the Indian side over the killings and continued ceasefire violations by Pakistan. This is the second Brigade Commander-level flag meeting held along the LoC in Poonch in the last six months. Photo Credit: Indian Photo Agency

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Indian team led by 10th Brigade (Krishnaghati Brigade) Commander Brig TS Sandhu in the meeting with the Pakistan brigade commander during a flag meeting at Chakan-Da-Bagh Crossing-Point in Poonch sector in Jammu and Kashmir, India on Jan 14, 2013. Brigadier level officers from India and Pakistan joined this. Army sources said a strong protest was lodged by the Indian side over the killings and continued ceasefire violations by Pakistan. This is the second Brigade Commander-level flag meeting held along the LoC in Poonch in the last six months. Photo Credit: Indian Photo Agency

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