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Published: 05/14/2021 Rating:
Category: General Viewed: 755 Downloads: 0
ID : 13028
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An overloaded country made boat carrying school children and others from Aurnamukh to Kokala mukh through river Brahmaputra at Jorhat in Assam on Saturday 16th June 2012. Students from ME classes to higher education hand to cross the river for study as there is no school in that area from ME classes to above. Photo by Dasarath Deka/Indian Photo Agency

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An overloaded country made boat carrying school children and others from Aurnamukh to Kokala mukh through river Brahmaputra at Jorhat in Assam on Saturday 16th June 2012. Students from ME classes to higher education hand to cross the river for study as there is no school in that area from ME classes to above. Photo by Dasarath Deka/Indian Photo Agency

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