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Published: 05/11/2021 Rating:
Category: General Viewed: 661 Downloads: 0
ID : 6200
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Bollywood actresses Zeenat Aman and Zarine Khan walk the ramp displaying jewellery by designer Yogendra Sethi and outfits by fashion designer Riyaz Gangji at the India International Jewellery Week 2012 (IIJW) in Mumbai on August 21, 2012. Photo Credit: Indian Photo Agency

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Bollywood actresses Zeenat Aman and Zarine Khan walk the ramp displaying jewellery by designer Yogendra Sethi and outfits by fashion designer Riyaz Gangji at the India International Jewellery Week 2012 (IIJW) in Mumbai on August 21, 2012. Photo Credit: Indian Photo Agency

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