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Published: 05/17/2021 Rating:
Category: General Viewed: 668 Downloads: 0
ID : 16352
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Activists of Krisak Mukti Sangram Saamiti (KMSS) during a protest infront of Nagaon Deputy comissoner Office against Big Dam in Nagaon on Wednesday, May 23, 2012,.The KMSS activists also protest against the police atrocities on the anti-mega dam protestors at Ghagornagar in Lakhimpur district on May 11, 2012. Photo by Anuwar Hazarika/Indian hoto Agency

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Activists of Krisak Mukti Sangram Saamiti (KMSS) during a protest infront of Nagaon Deputy comissoner Office against Big Dam in Nagaon on Wednesday, May 23, 2012,.The KMSS activists also protest against the police atrocities on the anti-mega dam protestors at Ghagornagar in Lakhimpur district on May 11, 2012. Photo by Anuwar Hazarika/Indian hoto Agency

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