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Published: 05/13/2021 Rating:
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ID : 11746
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The Rapid Action Force (RAF) arrived to Mangalore city to study the present situation of the DK District and held a "City March", on the Mangalore city roads on Friaday, July, 27, 2012. Rapid Action Force (RAF), were in the Mangalore city to gather information and study the situation in the district as part of their regular exercise. Assistant Commandant of RAF, K Venkateshan said that"We have come from Tamilnadu to study about emergency situations in Mangalore and how to handle them. Photo by RK Bhat/Indian Photo Agency

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The Rapid Action Force (RAF) arrived to Mangalore city to study the present situation of the DK District and held a "City March", on the Mangalore city roads on Friaday, July, 27, 2012. Rapid Action Force (RAF), were in the Mangalore city to gather information and study the situation in the district as part of their regular exercise. Assistant Commandant of RAF, K Venkateshan said that"We have come from Tamilnadu to study about emergency situations in Mangalore and how to handle them. Photo by RK Bhat/Indian Photo Agency

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